Icelandic writers on Place, Community and the Power of Imagination

The World in Danger: From environmental challenges to new technologies

Writer and translator on Henry Dunant, the Founder of Red Cross

Between Misogyny and Masculinity: Conflict, redemption and fractured relationships

The Last Colony: The story of Chagos Islands, exile and Britain’s colonial legacy

On Connection and Isolation: Between nature, art and pandemic

Challenging Female Stereotypes in Fiction and a Graphic Novel

On the Past, War and Personal Histories

Where to Start and Where to Go : How to Shape Your Story

Sometimes we have a story we’re dying to write, but we quickly become overwhelmed when we try to figure out how best to start it or how to structure it so that the story flows and remains compelling. This hands-on workshop will focus on some nuts-and-bolts elements of the craft of writing. Whether you’re working on fiction or nonfiction, it will illuminate important aspects of shaping a narrative. Through a lively discussion with short reading and writing exercises, participants will learn several essential writing skills and get a clearer sense of how to approach writing a short story, a novel, or a memoir.

Families in Crisis