Your favorite English speaking writers in Morges for Le livre sur les quais




Come to Morges to meet over 280 international writers (speaking both in French and English) performing on the shores of Lake Geneva during the weekend of the 31st August - 2rd September. David Foenkinos is the President of this year’s festival, and Italy is its Guest Country of Honour.

Celebrated literary stars and debut writers, poets and translators, and authors of crime fiction, travel writing, non-fiction and books for children and teenagers will give talks, readings and join panel discussions. Events, both in French and English, will take place on the shores or during cruises on Lake Geneva or in the beautiful old town of Morges.


Friday 31stAugust

> 18h00 - 19h00 :

Nigerian Voices; 

With Chibundu Onuzo and Chinelo Okparanta

Moderated by Edward Girardet

Caves de Couvaloup (60 min.)


Saturday 1st September

> 11h00 - 11h45  

The Spanish Flu;

With Laura Spinney

Moderated by Helen Stubbs

Nouvelle Couronne (45 min.)


> 12h00 - 12h45

Writing Crime;

With Luke McCallin

Moderated by Helen Stubbs

Nouvelle Couronne (45 min.)


> 13h30 - 14h45

Writing Violence, War and Hope;

With Chinelo Okparanta and Geentjanli Shree

Moderated by Edward Girardet

Nouvelle Couronne (75 min.)


> 15h00 - 16h15

Urban Landscapes;

With Chibundo Onuzo and Lisa McInerney

Moderated by Matthew Wake

Nouvelle Couronne (75 min.)


> 16h30 - 17h15

GWG Writing Workshop: The Narrative Arc in Memoir 

 With Susan Tiberghien

Bibliotheque Espace Adulte (90 min.)

Registration by mail - Payement at the door Fr. 10.- per person


Sunday 2ndSeptembre

> 12h30 - 13h45

GWG Cruise - Memoir and Fiction;

With Maggie O'Farrell and Elena Lappin

Moderated by Elizabeth Coleman

Le Lausanne boat - sundeck or le Salon Vaud depending on the weather (75 min.)


> 13h45 - 15h00

Fictions of the Real;

With Tessa Hadley, Claire Fuller and Margriet de Moor

Moderated by Matthew Wake

Nouvelle Couronne (75 min.)


> 15h30 - 17h00

GWG Writing Workshop: Fiction What to Leave out, 

With Anne Korkeakivi

Bibliotheque Espace Adulte (90 min.)

Registration by e-mail - Payement at the door Fr. 10.- per person


> 17h15 - 18h00

Ways to Wholeness: CG Jung and Writing;

With Susan Tiberghien

Moderated by Patricia Elwood

Nouvelle Couronne (90 min.)